Rage in San Joaquin
The past Wednesday there was an education forum scheduled between Jose Antonio Kast (Accion Republicana) and Tomas Hirsch (Frente Amplio), but a group of students had other plans. This group were teenagers that clearly manifested their disagreement to Kast`s ideals and they let everyone on campus and on the internet know by screaming intolerant comments and not letting the debate happen, which was their hole point. Following the demonstration carried out by various students, the "Movimiento Gremial" of the campus issued a statement announcing the suspension of the activity. "We have taken the decision to cancel the education forum scheduled for today that had as guests José Antonio Kast and Tomás Hirsch," they said. To this, they added that "the deputy Tomás Hirsch decided to subtract from the debate at the last minute. We tried to upload another opposition exhibitor, but for various reasons they did not want to join the debate against José Antonio Kast "...