Chile's Urban Speed Limit Change

  • Recently, the deputy chamber aproved the proyect that wants to decrease the speed limit of urban zones, from 60 km/h to 50 km/h. The iniciative is waiting to be announced as an official Republic law by the official autorities.
  • Two thousand people die on average in Chile as a result of traffic accidents. The main objective of the project is to decrease this statistic, which significantly affects cyclists and pedestrians, and which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies with 114 votes in favor, 8 against and 25 abstentions.
  • The decision to cut down the speed limit is very controversial, as many people think 60 km/h is already a slow speed to drive in cities, and bringing it down will make more people break these speed limits. What do you think about this new law? Is the speed limit okay as it is now?


  1. I believe that those who drive must be responsible and abide the law. The new law has to reach all the drivers

  2. I think that the speed limit is fine at 60 kilometers per hour and that changing it to 50 is exacted, the accident problems are because people drive badly or by people who do not use the steps of zebras or cyclists who do not use cyclobia, There are also places where there are enough people or children playing in which they should put lower speed signs but not in the whole city.


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