Mamoudou Gassama, Paris' Street Hero

On May 29th, Mamoudou Gassama, an 22 year-old inmigrant performed an act of heroism in the streets of Paris when he climbed a four-story building in order to save a child that was dangling from a sidewalk of the building. Mamoudou earned the nickname ''Spider-man of the 18th'' after climbing 4 strories, resembling the comic book hero ''Spider-man'', for being the only person brave enough to save the child from a deadly accident, and because the building was located in the 18th Arrondissement. The state of France has decided to reward his heroism with a legal status in the country.
Lots of people were against the idea of giving away legal status to an inmigrant man just like that, but brave men who put their lives on the line to save a child are exactly the kind of people anyone would want in their country. And indeed, France's civil code states: "Article 21-19 says that a fast-track naturalization procedure is possible for a foreign national who has 'performed exceptional services for France, or whose naturalization would be of exceptional interest for France'.", so awarding Mamadou for his heroic act isn't so crazy after all.
Mamoudou Gassama is a real hero, no doubt about that, and in my opinion he deserves this amazing award, but there are still lots of people who are against this idea. What do you think of Mamoudou's act? Do you agree whit the state of France about giving him legal status?


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