Girl power
On March 16 a protest was made by hundreds of women that wanted to be heard by the authorities and because of their powerful voice, it was heard. This march was so intense that every newspaper and news channel of the country was talking about it, this news made such an impact that it even got international and articles, reports and opinions about this march were browsing the internet worldwide. The message behind the protest is a message that, in my opinion, we should all support: to stop the sexist education and sexual harassment. But in many chilean media the thing that was more discussed, because it caused a lot of controversy, was the way of how some young women in the protest were acting. It it true that some of them ruined statues like Juan Pablo II, by writing non-catholic sentences and even calling him names like rapist or liar, and graffiti public building walls. I don't think thats the way to ask for something, it only worked for media reactions and in a negative way because as we all know not all feminists are violent, but because of the acts of a group of them everyone thinks they are all the same. In conclusion, we have to see both sides of the coin and to investigate everything before saying our opinion about a certain group, and not to judge them only knowing a part it it.
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